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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > ANCIENT PROPHECY > Earthbound Immortal Cusillu

Earthbound Immortal Cusillu Used Deck

Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 10 Beast 2800 2400
There can only be 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card would be destroyed by battle, you can Tribute 1 other monster instead, and if you do, halve your opponent's LP.
Average Rating Score 6.1(20)
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  3. Decks with Earthbound Immortal Cusillu (31 Decks)
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"Earthbound Immortal Cusillu" card reviews and rating scores

5% (1)
25% (5)
60% (12)
10% (2)
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japan K.K
2023/04/23 2:31
Yugioh Icon
Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca》has been re-evaluated in recent years (although it's still hard to use...), so it can't be helped that it's said to be the weakest unique effect of Earthbound Immortal...
However, the point that level 10 Beast is excellent is that it can produce high damage with 《Wild Nature's Release》and 《Beast Soul Swap》, and it also supports 《Ayers Rock Sunrise》and 《Closed Forest》.
Also, it is nice that it supports searching for 《Elemental HERO Flame Wingman0
Other than the Earthbound Immortal Deck, it would be better to use a Deck with abundant Beast support such as Melffy or Nemureria as a high RBI direct attacker.
Unique effect is ink stain
japan ねこーら
2023/01/15 19:08
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: If you want to take advantage of the effect of halving LP, you should aim for a combo with 《TA.I. Strike》.
It's better to take advantage of Beast's support and earn damage with direct attacks.
Half LP can only be used in the form of a suicide attack.
As long as it's not a trade-off, it's a trade of reducing your own monsters and halving the opponent's LP, which isn't very efficient.
However, if you use "TA.I. Strike" together, the opponent's monster's ATK's worth of damage will occur, and it will definitely trade off, greatly reducing his LP.
By avoiding battle destruction, his LP will be halved and damage will be TA.I. Strike.
However, the search for 《TA.I. Strike》is a little tough.
japan ブルーバード
2022/05/09 7:15
Yugioh Icon
You can only self-destruct, this Saru! !
It's a pretty tough condition to do a suicide attack with 2800, but the return is intense. In modern times, the number of monsters with high hit points has increased, making it easier to activate the effect. If you combine it with Radian, you can also take the trick of avoiding battle destruction while destroying that side by counterattacking.
japan サンパイ
2020/02/12 6:22
Yugioh Icon
It's much better than Wirako, but it's a joke because it's not very effective. Fortunately, the race is Beast, which is good at beatdown, so if you look at it as a direct attacker, it's quite a threat. Support such as maintenance of Field Spell is necessary, but compared to other story cards, it can be used in actual battles.
japan アルバ
2019/05/30 0:00
Yugioh Icon
There are many things that I don't quite understand whether the unique effect of Earthbound Immortal is meshing with the shared effect or not, but this is clearly not meshing, or rather meaningless.
If the opponent has 8000 initial LP, it's not worth it if you can only get 4000 including battles by setting up various troublesome things.
To put it bluntly, the unique effect is crap, so I would like to specialize in tactics that make use of the Beast race, which is blessed with support.
Beast support has many cards that increase RBI, and it works well with this card that can attack directly.
japan シエスタ
2018/03/20 14:17
Yugioh Icon
Like Kokapak, he is a suicide bomber who is often made fun of because of his users and their effects.
He is not a target for attacks, and has the effect of being destroyed in battle by Earthbound Immortal, and an effect that does not mesh well with Earthbound Immortal's selling point.
Being able to halve your LP isn't bad, but if you halve it anyway you still need 2 more direct attacks, which is no different than 3 direct attacks without using any effects.
He also tends to rely on the opponent's field, so if he wants to take advantage of it, he would like to consider using Kaiju etc. Well, there are many things that are required, and it is a unique effect that is difficult to handle.
However, beasts are blessed with deployment support, so they are easier to handle in Earthbound Immortal.
At least I think it's better than the condor that has become a different thing.
japan なす
2018/03/20 0:00
Yugioh Icon
Beast's Earthbound Immortal.
Its strength is that it can be attacked directly without being targeted by common effects, and can be revived with Ayers Rock.
The effect of preventing battle destruction by scapegoating and halving the opponent's LP is very powerful, even though it requires a suicide attack. Where you want to activate using Kaiju.
japan プンプン丸
2017/05/08 16:21
Yugioh Icon
The Ultimate Ete Duke, even though it's not targeted for attack, it doesn't make sense that it has the effect of "destroyed by battle", the effect can be used for a suicide attack, but if that's the case, then attack directly, Ete Duke card.
japan アステリスク
2017/05/08 0:36
Yugioh Icon
High RBI for Beast. And Beast is easy to use because it has a lot of searches. However, you can think of the effect of 2 as a bonus.
2015/08/24 11:13
Yugioh Icon
Beast is a race with plenty of RBI and Special Summon support, and although it was a card with high potential, it was an unfortunate Earthbound Immortal that didn't have a good highlight in the anime.
You can summon from 《Mausoleum of the Emperor》, equip it with giant growth, and use 《Wild Nature's Release》to become an 8000 direct attacker, or you can hit it and then run away with 《Beast Soul Swap》and call a large one again.
There are no summoning restrictions, he can be Special Summoned from his hand or from GY, and can also be destroyed by 《Mound of the Bound Creator》.
Overall, it's a "monkey"-like card, and it can be said that it's a card that can be used to the fullest by supporting it rather than by itself.
japan カンノーネ
2015/06/15 11:34
Yugioh Icon
You look like I like you next to Chacu Challha
It has the usual Self-Binding God effect and unreasonable battle destruction resistance.
picture…? Battle destruction resistance...? You want me to do a suicide attack?
Your opponent won't do battle destruction even if you can, and it's a card that rampages
Cattle mute wild release unity unity yay!
japan わがじゃん
2014/10/01 20:43
Yugioh Icon
I think he's probably the one who gets the most preferential treatment in Earthbound Immortal if it's currently supported. 《Closed Forest》, 《Solidarity》, excellent Beast monsters of level 2 and Mystical Beast of the Forest types... I was surprised to find that if I made it as a joke, it turned into a deck that could fight normally. However, I haven't had a chance to use my own effect yet.
japan ユイにゃん
2014/06/22 18:12
Yugioh Icon
In a sense, he's immortal, so it seems like a level stealer would work well, and he thought Equip Spell would be good too!
japan SOUL
2014/02/14 16:03
Yugioh Icon
It's the most plain impression in Earthbound Immortal...
Since it's a Beast, even if it self-destructs due to the lack of Field Spells, it can still use Green Baboons, and it can attack continuously with 《Beast Soul Swap》...
japan キンドル
2013/03/05 23:48
Yugioh Icon
Earthbound Immortal, which is honestly difficult to use because the effects do not mesh. The only salvation is that it has the same RBI as Redame and Damned...?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/05/24 19:07
Yugioh Icon
Earthbound Immortal used by D.Nantoka.
As a Beast, you can get enough firepower to kill one with 《Wild Nature's Release》and Cattle,
There are also recovery personnel called Manticore and Baboon, so they are not weak at all.
effect? Earthbound Immortal Isn't there only a common effect?
japan 愛と正義の使者
2012/01/02 19:05
Yugioh Icon
As a self-destruct god with a high risk of accident, the effect is weak.
Compared to the strongest (), it is plain, and its presence is weak for both users.
japan NEOS
2011/01/22 22:25
Yugioh Icon
It seems that the effect of Earthbound Immortal and the effect of itself do not mesh well...
Despite the need for other monsters, the effect seems to be strong and the damage is unexpectedly low.
Is the high status also a neck?
japan とき
2010/08/24 21:54
Yugioh Icon
Umm, just who was using it... Look, Di... Dima... What is it?
In addition to the common effect of Earthbound Immortal, it has the effect of halving the opponent's LP while avoiding destruction by releasing other monsters when destroyed in battle. However, since it cannot be attacked by the common effect of Earthbound Immortal, this ATK requires a suicide attack, which is rarely used.
For this reason, Earthbound Immortal is a card that aims to be a one-shot by making use of the Beast race. With 《Wild Nature's Release》and 《Beast Soul Swap》, it hits over 5000 damage.
There are many supports that can be used because of Beast, such as 《Ayers Rock Sunrise》and 《Closed Forest》, and you can form his unique Earthbound Immortal Deck.
japan 2012/11/09 22:48

Decks with "Earthbound Immortal Cusillu"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
ANCIENT PROPHECY ANPR-JP016 2009-04-18 UltimateUltra
DUELIST EDITION Volume 4 DE04-JP008 2012-08-11 Rare

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 7,133 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 39,504


Japanese card name 地縛神 Cusillu

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